Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said on Tuesday that he is confident of getting justice by the judiciary regarding the Messuru Urban Development Authority (MUDA) scam.
Siddaramaiah is the accused number one and his wife BM Parvati has been nominated as another accused in the case.
The Dharwad bench of the Karnataka High Court has reserved the case for the decision in the petition, seeking an inquiry into the case of the issue by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
Responding to a query, whether he had any concern over development, Siddaramaiah said, “Why should I be worried? How will I know what the decision by the judge? Why should I be worried? I believe that I will get justice .
When asked about the notice issued by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) to his wife Parvati, the Chief Minister said, “The court has stayed the notice issued by Ed. The judge has questioned the ED that early in this What is in relation.
Responding to a query to whether the issue of notice by ED is politically motivated, he said, “Is it not? The whole case is politically motivated by itself.”
Justice M. Under the chairmanship of Nagaprasan, the Dharwad Bench of the Karnataka High Court, the ED on Monday, was issued a summons issued by the ED in connection with the Mada Bhoomi scam to the BM Parvati, wife of Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, and the State Urban Development Minister, Barerti Suresh. ,
The bench questioned the urgency of ED’s actions, asking, “What is tearing?” While passing the order.
Siddaramaiah’s wife, Parvati, who has been named as the second accused in the case, was asked to appear before the ED on Tuesday (January 28).
The Chief Minister’s close confidant minister Barerti Suresh was scheduled to appear before the ED officials on Monday.
Both Parvati and Suresh contacted the court separately, demanded relief and requested to stay on ED summons.
The High Court allowed stay on ED summons till 10 February, pending the next hearing in the case.
Justice M. The Dharwad bench of the Karnataka High Court headed by Nagprasana on Monday reserved its verdict on the petition demanding an inquiry into the folded scam. The decision followed the conclusion of arguments and counter -protests in the case.
It has been alleged that Siddaramaiah used his political influence for 16 blows of land acquired by Muda in exchange for compensation for 14 sites in his wife’s name.
The petitioner, Sanemaiya Krishna objected to the ongoing investigation by Karnataka Lokayukta and demanded a CBI inquiry into the scam.
Reserve the case for the verdict, the bench also directed Karnataka Lokayukta to continue his investigation into the Muda scam and submit further reports on the day of the decision.
(Tagstotransite) Siddaramaiah (T) Muda Scam (T) Muda Scam Case