In January 2024, Rajii Ghanghas Weighed 155 kg and realized her health was at risk. She shared that carrying excess weight made her feel sluggish and “ugly”, and subjected her to bulling. However, more than her appearance, it was her health Concerns that pushed her to take action. She was at a pre-cabatic stage and struggling with hormonal imbalances. Determined to make a change, rajii followed a home-based diet and regular workouts, shedding over 60 kg in a year. She documented her transformation on Instagram, Revealing The Diet that Helped Her Lose Weight.
What Motivated Rajii to lose weight
Rajii Shared that Being Overweight Led to Hormonal Imbalances and Irregular Periods. She was also at risk of developing diabetes, which made her back her life her lifestyle choices. “I can afford not being beautiful but can’t afford to die,” She says in her viral video.
Daily diet for weight loss
Rajii Follows a Simple, Home-Cooked Diet to Stay on Track. Here’s a glimpse into what she eats in a day:
- Morning Drink: Detox drink made by boiling fenugreek and carom seeds in water.
- Breakfast: Poha Loaded With Vegetables, Served With Curd.
- Medday: Chia seed water.
- Lunch: Overnight oats.
- EveningSnack: Corn Chaat with Green Tea.
- Dinner: Grilled Vegetable-STUFEFED Sandwiches.
- BeforeBED: Detox water.
Also read:Prajakta koli shares she felt “clinically sick and sad” after following a strict diet
Rajii Admits that her journey is far from over. In 2025, She Aims to become even fitter and healthier.
Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides general information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical guidance. Always consult a doctor or specialist for personalized advice. NDTV does not take responsibility for this information.
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