Leap co-founder Arnav Kumar said that the latest funding will play an important role in taking advantage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to increase student experiences. “We are changing this industry with the use of technology, especially AI,” he said. “With this wealth raising, one of the large areas of meditation in the coming 12 months is how we use modern techniques-both generative AI and AI-operated data analysis to make it easier for and eg. Different types of students to complete. “
The company plans to deepen its presence in the recently recorded 10 international markets, which responds to the increasing demand for global education solutions. Kumar insisted that the third major focus area would discover new opportunities to reach the leap and expand the offerings.
Leap keeps itself as the world’s first full-stack platform for international students, providing end-to-end support for learners.
Kumar said, “Our platform needs a student to settle in a new country,” our platform is needed. “Many students start their journey by joining our global student community, which looks at more than two million new members annually. This allows them to join with seniors and peers to refine their studies abroad. ,
Once students decide on their study destination and course, they collaborate with college consultants or coaches so that they can maximize the possibility of admission. Leap also offers standardized exams such as GR, GMAT and testing preparations for English proficiency tests, ensuring that students are well prepared for their applications.
Finance remains an important aspect of international education, and the student addresses this requirement by providing a student loan to bridge the gap between merit and financial instruments. Additionally, the platform supports students with visa applications, housing system, credit and debit cards, insurance and job placement services in its destination country.
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