A magnificent astronomical phenomenon is ready to appear in February 2025, as the five bright planets – Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Saturn – appear together in the evening sky. The alignment will be at the peak on 24 February, when Mercury and Saturn will appear closest to each other, leading to a striking view near the horizon. In the evening, with a clear view of the western sky, Skywachrs will get an opportunity to see this planetary performance, in which Uranus and Neptune are also observable through binoculars or binoculars. Similar alignments are recorded in the past, but this special configuration provides an accessible viewing window equally to enthusiastic and casual supervisors of astronomy. The next comparable event will not take place until October 2028, making it a rare opportunity to inspect several planets at a glance.
Venus and Saturn: A opposite pair
As ReportsVenus will dominate as the most bright among the five planets in the evening sky, brightness in the west-south-west. Regardless of its acute brightness, Saturn appears under Venus, its current ring will be quite low due to orientation, which reflects low sunlight. The telescope observation revealed the rings as a thin line that cuts the disc of Saturn. As the month moves, Saturn will be less immersed in the horizon, will become rapidly challenging by the end of February.
Jupiter and Mars illuminate at night
Jupiter will be another standout feature, which will look high with its signature silver-white glow in the southern sky. Its four largest Moon-Europe, Ghanimade, Calisto and IO-will appear through telescopes, especially on 25–26 February, when three of them will form a separate triangular. Meanwhile, Mars posted in the eastern sky, Gemini’s twin stars, will share their location with polluks and castor. This trio will be shifted to the sky gradually, offering a dynamic spectacle throughout the month.
Encounter close to Mercury and Saturn
The mercury will reach the shine of the summit on 24 February in the last week of February, when it will closely align with Saturn. Both planets will be separated from only 1.5 degrees, in which the mercury is shining about eight times the shiny. Observers will require a clear west-south-west horizon and telescope to attend both planets, especially in the form of Saturn, faded into twilight.
Uranus and Neptune: The Fanter Participant
For those equipped with telescopes or high -power telescopes, Uranus and Neptune will also be within access. Uranus, with its unconscious green color, may appear under dark-shy conditions, while Neptune will require optical assistance due to its low glow. The latter will spend the month in Pisces, gradually disappear in the bright evening sky before its solar combination in March.
Skywachers expecting to see this rare planet alignment should mark their calendar for 24 February, when all five bright planets will be the best chance to see together.