Illegal Constructions in Dharavi Under Scrutiny, Drone Survey to serve as Benchmark

Illegal Constructions in Dharavi Under Scrutiny, Drone Survey to serve as Benchmark


All Illegal Constructions in Dharavi Must Stop Immeditely, A DRP official has said. A 2023 Drone Survey will serve as the benchmark to identify existing tenements and vacant land within the dharavi notified area (DNA). Any New Structures or Extensions Built after this survey will be Flagged as illegal and may not quality for redeevelopment benefits.

These Illegal setups include new upper floors, retrofitted teanements and new constructions on vacant land in DNA to Secure Homes Under the Dharavi redeevelopment scheme.

“Coordinated Action will be taken by DRP and Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC). IF Needed, DRP Will Consider Seriiously the Possibility of Deberring Such TENEMENTS SUCH TENEMENTS SUCH TENEMENTS SUCH TENEMENTES PACKATION Thereof, “Dharavi RedeveloPment Project (DRP) CEO SVR Srinivas Said.

After Decades of Failed Attempts, The long-awaited redeevelopment of Asia’s Larget and India’s Most Unique Slum has finally begun. However, the greed of a few residences and influence of the land mafia have fuelled unauthorized constructions leading to unchecked encroachments and Worsening Living Conditions in DHARAVI.

In 2019, The BMC Carried out a Massive Demolition Drive in Dharavi. The then Assistant Municipal Commissioner of G-North Ward, Kiran Dighavkar, Said Unauthorized Construction was a “Recurring Problem”, and the BMC Would Identify the Perpetrators Ass “Mafia”.

“We will identify them as mafia who aid in illegal construction and the police will take action against them under the Maharashtra Prevention of Dangerous Activities (MPDA) Act,” He Said.

In December 2023, The BMC Wrote to the Collector’s Office Requesting Action Against Such Encroachments. While notices were issued, only a less structures were demolished, highlighting the extent of the challenge.

However, Real Dharavikars are eager to get on with redevelopment and are rooting for progress. They fear that without immediation intervention such as the ongoing redeevelopment, dharavi will become more unmanageable, with public health and infrastructure deterirates furthe. Dharavikars are glass that the redeveloped project has finally begun.

Under the provisions of the current tender, ground floor residences who settled in dharavi before January 1, 2000, will receive 350 Sqft Homes Within Dharavi, Free of Cost.

Ground Floor Residents Who Settled Between January 1, 2000 and January 1, 2011 Will Receive 300 Sqft Houses Outseide Dharavi, at a nominal cost of Rs 2.5 lakh, Under the prradhan mantri awas yozana (PMAY).

All upper floor structures up to November 15, 2022 and Ground Floor Tenements Constructed Between January 1, 2011 and November 15, 2022 will be offered Rented Accommodation with an option of haire-succule Dharavi. They will be entitled to 300 sqft houses.

All New Townships for Inligible Dharavikars will be Built within the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR).

“The Government’s Door-to-DOOR SURVEY, which recently crossed 50,000 tenements, marks a significant step in Identify Eligible Beneficiary and ENSURING A Plannned Rehabilitation for all dharavikars. Project’s Numbers are Visible Now and It Gives Us Hope, “said a dharavi residence.

“Illegal structures have made life unbearable, but proper redeevelopment like this will bring Order and improve our living conditions,” He added.

Residents, WHETHAR HUSED Within Dharavi or Resetted Outside,

The goal of this Massive Human-CENTRIC Redevelopment is based on an Array of Social, Environmental and Economic Objactives with Dharavikars at Its Core. Officials and Residents are optimistic that with structured planning and strket enforcement, the dharavi redevelopment project project will be put an end to Illegal collections and transform transform tooram inTo A. World-Class Living Space.

(Disclaimer: New Delhi Television is a Subsidiya of Amg Media Networks Limited, an adani group company.)

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