Aromatic baths can improve the mood and performance of distant workers

Aromatic baths can improve the mood and performance of distant workers

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Researchers at the University of Tsukuba examined the benefits of a fragrant bath on the physical and mental welfare of the tail. There are conclusions Published In Japan Journal of Aromatherapy,

Their study found that after four weeks of aromatic baths – during both days and at night – with essential oils of their choice, participants experienced low presentism (low productivity conditions due to health issues) and showed symptoms of better functioning. These findings suggest that aromatic bath can help reduce presentism and increase work performance.

The Covid-19 epidemic has made the teleworking more normal, but has also highlighted many challenges, such as difficulty in maintaining the boundaries of work-life and reducing concentration. These challenges can negatively affect work performance, underlining the need for effective solutions.

The study focused on aromatherapy, which is known to reduce stress, improve sleep quality and increase job performance. He examined the effects of mood, sleep quality, cognitive work and its effects on the work performance of telecorners.

When 30 telecorars took a fragrant bath using essential oil scents, their activity, stability, and comfort level-two-dimensional mood sought on the level-two-dimensional mood-scale-a significant increase within 10 minutes.

In addition, after four weeks of aromatherapy, presentism decreased significantly, indicating that aromatherapy may be a valuable tool for improving the tail mood and work performance. Aromatherapy can provide an easy and practical self-care method to support the physical and mental health of the tail.

More information:
Hisako Sawai et al. The effect of the smell of essential oils on mental and physical health of people working from home. Japan Journal of Aromatherapy, Doi: 10.15035/Aeaj.260104

Provided by Tsukuba University

Citation: Aromatic bath can improve the mood and performance of remote workers (2025, 7 March) 8 March 2025 taken from aeromatic-smood- Remote- Whorkers.html

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