Scientists rally in American cities to oppose Trump cut

Scientists rally in American cities to oppose Trump cut

The protesters rally for science in New York.

Scientists ralled in cities across the United States on Friday in cities across the United States to condemn the efforts of US President Donald Trump’s administration to eliminate several agencies and condemn the efforts to curb life -saving research.

Ever since Trump returned to the White House, his government cut the federal research funding, withdrew from the World Health Organization and the Paris Climate Agreement, and demanded dismissal of hundreds of federal workers working on health and climate research.

In response, researchers, doctors, students, engineers and elected officials took the streets in New York, Washington, Boston, Chicago and Madison, Visconsin, so that they see as an unprecedented attack on science.

Jesse Heetner, a researcher at Boston’s Massachusetts General Hospital, said, “I never got so angry,” Jesse Hetner said, who joined more than 1,000 people in the American capital.

“They are all lighting on fire,” Heitner told AFP in Lincoln Memorial.

He especially known as the head of the Department of Health and Human Services, Skptic Robert F. Especially felt about the appointment of Kennedy Junior.

“If you keep someone as in charge of NASA, which is ‘flat earr’, it is not right,” he said.


“Fund Science, Not Billion Ayers” and “built on America,” read some signs branded against Washington.

Researchers talked at their fear rally that research grant could be canceled, or suspended

Researchers spoke at their fear rally that research grants could be canceled, or suspended.

“What is happening now, is unprecedented,” in his 50s, a university researcher Grover, who refused to provide further personal details due to professional obstacles.

Wearing clothes in a white lab coat and applying a pink sign, in which “Stand for Science” was read, he told the AFP that his employer had urged employees to keep a low profile, suspended financial retaliation in the form of federal grants suspended or canceled.

“I have been around research in 30 years, and what is going on has never happened,” he said that “unforgivable” action by the federal government would be long -term results.

Brain drain?

Many researchers told AFP about their fear about their grant and other funding.

The suspension of some grants has already motivated some universities to reduce the number of students accepted in doctoral programs or research positions.

For those people are just starting in their careers, the concern is clear.

Rebecca glyceon, a 28 -year -old doctoral student at neuroscience, said, “Instead of studying at me, instead of defending my right to work here,” said a 28 -year -old doctoral student Rebecca Glyncon in Neuroscience.

The protesters participate in a stand up for a science rally at Lincoln Memorial in Washington

The protesters participate in a stand up for a science rally at Lincoln Memorial in Washington.

Glyisson is due to defending her thesis at her event in Maryland next week, but beyond this makes her future feel apprehensive, as funding has been cut for the laboratory for which she had planned to work for.

The 34 -year -old environmental scientist Chelsea Gray, working on shark protection, dreamed of working for national ocean and atmospheric administration, one of the federal agencies under his special threat on his climate research.

Instead, he has started the process of obtaining Irish passport.

Gray told AFP, “I did everything right and established myself for success, and I uprooted my entire career path in front of my eyes.”

“I want to live and serve in the United States as a citizen of the United States,” she said.

“But if that option is not available to me, then I need to keep all the doors open.”

Âİ 2025 AFP

Citation: Scientists rally in American cities to oppose Trump Cuts (2025, 8 March). 8 March 2025 taken from Scientists- Rrally- Cits- Protest- Trump.html

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