NewsWise – Korean researchers have managed to develop a core wired network technology that enables remote conferences, cooperations and surgery in the 6G environment. This technology will open a hyper-emperor metavors in the 6G world in the future.
Electronics and Telecom Research Institute (ETRI) Hyper-emperor has developed major solutions required for high-collective services. The research team announced that they developed a network stack technology to suit the end-to-end network performance and successfully recognized the technology by demonstrating a distance conference without any delay.
Current network service transmission structure has boundaries that prevent it from distributing the complex network performance required by application services, such as bandwidth and delay, with accurate. ETRI has technically overcome this challenge to bring forward the next generation of 6G.
The network stack technology developed by the research team offers high-bandwidth performance and high-coted display of 100 GBPs (gigabits) per second of each other through the cooperation between the technology application and the network.
The research team reported that technology would be an important solution for 6G network with a new transmission layer structure, where applications and network service transmission collaborates with each other to optimize transmission quality.
So far, the greatest obstacle in commercialization of technologies such as metaverse and VR/AR is gaining guaranteed performance in delay. When the users are changing their gaze from the screen, they are viewing, no frame should be delayed to ensure smooth transition, prevent dizziness and allow them to look at the screen properly. However, the lack of guaranteed network delayed performance has slowed the commercialization of the respective services.
ETRI believes that if this technique is commercialized, it will be possible to experience not only distance conferences, but also distance orchestral cooperation, distance surgery, distance robot and smart factory control, holograms and real -time VR.
The research team successfully tested the technique on a 458 km tested network in combination with the National Information Society Agency (NIA) in combination with Koren (Korea Advanced Research Network).
He explained that packet forwarding devices in core technologies applied in the test include â² refined packet scheduling technology. Performance-Customezed Network Stack Technology in Service Terminals.
In practice, he demonstrated 3D volumetric live remote conferencing on a test network between Daejeon and Busan. Packet Network Research Lab presenter and presenter showed and explained the material from the third floor of Noori Hall at Pukong National University in Busan, and explained the content, and there was no delay. Discussion of two men came to the screen naturally, such as seeing 3D holograms. This successfully completed transmission performance verification for high quality end-to-end service.
Performance-Customized Programable Network Stacks developed by ETRI consists of two modules: a high-colored network (HPN) transport protocol module and a network operating system (NOS) stack.
This new transport networking stack that can satisfy diverse and complex quality (QOS) in 6G, which is expected to commercialize after 2028, and can change the TCP-Tip of the Internet. It is expected that in the future it will be widely used as services by installing it in terminal devices for â² holographic hyper-emperor communication.
The research team cited as the following major achievements: and a method for mutual cooperation between applications and networks, including a quality-category connection process; â² A method for service transmission considering delayed performance; Consider a method application display requirements to customize Travilation Traffic Transmission; â² A method for guaranteeing programmable terminal network performance.
He explained that in relation to these achievements, 17 international and domestic patents, high precision networks, 1 excellent educational conference papers and 2 Scie-Indexed paper were adopted in the field of 1 international standard.
In particular, this performance-un-oriented programmable networking stack technology won the Top Awards organized by the Korean Institute of Communications and Information Cycles (Kicks) at the 15th ICT Conversion International Conference (ICTC 2024) at the 6G Basic Technology Festival held on 17 October 2024.
Cheung Tae Sik, Assistant Vice President of ETRI’s Network Research Division, said, âIn addition to core technology for 6G network and core technology for ultra-latency and ultra-unique packet transmission, we have secured performance-customezed and device network stack technology, which is an important solution that is a significant solution that is a 6G and high-speed services in 6G Can realize We have created an opportunity to lead the joint development of the convergence industry along with the development and expansion of 6G ultra-unique services. ,
To commercialize this technology, the research team in August 2024 completed the transfer of ultra-latency transport protocol technology to a domestic network solution company, Cabel Company Limited and is currently supporting the development of a commercial prototype. In addition, they plan to lead the upcoming 6G Hyper-Emarsive, High-Services Market, which is through technology transfer for network equipment companies and metavense solution companies.
1) Device Network Stack: References to the hierarchical software structure used to transmit and obtain data on a network. The high layers use services from the lower layers, and the lower layers pass the data into high layers. The HPN-Protocol/NOS-module stack was developed to replace the existing TCP/IP stack that could not guarantee the performance.
2) End-to-end: The end refers to the end device, server, etc., is connected to the network, and refers to the space between the end-to-end. For example, the end-to-end latency refers to the delay in traffic transfer between terminals connected on a network.
3) Korea Advanced Research Network (Coren): Non -profit broadband pilot network. It conducts experiments and empirical research that cannot be done on commercial networks and is associated with international research network.
4) Volumetric live remote conference: Volumetric service refers to a technique or service that provides realistic and immersive content using 3D data. A real -time virtual conference service was developed in which the presenter is shown in 3D.
5) High-Sail Network (HPN): As a word defined by the research team, it refers to a network, which refers to a network with accurate control over end-to-end delay. International standard technical names for high-colored networks include time-sensitive networking (TSN) and deterministic networking (DETNET).
6) Network Operating System (NOS): The networking operating system (NOS) refers to an operating system that provides the ability to manage and adapt connectivity, communication and data sharing between the system on a network. In this task, a terminal network operating system that provides QOS on the terminal was developed.
7) Quality of Services (QOS): The service network quality (QOS) refers to technologies and functioning that prefer data traffic on a network and manages bandwidth, delay, nervousness, packet loss, and more, to ensure that a particular application or service can work firmly.
On this technology, the 6G Core Technology Development Project and Institute of Information and Communications Technology Planning and Evolution (IITP) of the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) (MSIT) (MSIT), 6G Core Technology Development Project and KT Corporation, SK Telecom Company, LG Upled Co., Ltd.
About Electronics and Telecom Research Institute (ETRRI)
ETRI is a non-profit research institute funded by a non-profit government. Since its foundation in 1976, a global ICT research institute, ETRI, has been making immense efforts to provide a significant increase in the ICT industry sector. ETRI distributes Korea as one of the world’s top ICT countries, developing the world’s first and best techniques.