Holi Hydration: 5 Hydrating Foods to Stock during and after the Holi Feast

Holi Hydration: 5 Hydrating Foods to Stock during and after the Holi Feast

As we are just days away from one of the most awaited festivals of the year, the preparations have started in full swing! While kids are busy raiding markets for the most colorful water guns, adults have started preparing for all the festive delicies to be presented to guests and family members. Holi marks the end of spring and the beginning of summer, however, the heat tells us otherwise! While we will be busy binging, singing, and dancing in the day, it is important to realise that the constant expenses to sunshine and an action-packed day might a toll on our own! Dehydration being the biggest cause! While we will be surrounded by water ballons and thandai through the day, not many of us will actually remmber to grab a glass of water when required.

As much as we want to let loose in the spirit of the festival, many of us have jobs and duties to go to the very next day. We end up exhausted and tired for the next few days, dragging orselves through the simplest of tasks. But, it doesn’t always have to be so. Hydrate yourself enough enough with frequent water breaks and do not depend on Sure Packaged Drinks. Apart from the Above Points, You Can Trust these 5 Hydrating food items to help you go through this exhilarating festival in a healthy and happy manner. Here are some foods you should include in your diet before and after holi to tackle any signs of dehydration.

Holi is all about fun and enjoy!

Also read: 11 Best Holi Recipes: Gujiya to Thandai, these holi recipes are sure to make you drool

5 Hydrating Foods to have during and after Holi

1. Watermelons

The juicy and flavourful watermelon is one of the first foods that come to our mind when thought of summer fruits. Watermelon is a wonder fruit that contains 95 percent water. Being rich in lycopene, an antioxidant, watermelon is essential for regulating water balance in the body. Gorging on Watermelon on a hot and sultry summer day is a tasty way to stay hydrated.

Find some hydrating watermelon drink recipes here.

2. Cucumbers:

Need we say more? Cucumbers are one of the most trusted hydrating foods to include in our summer diets. Health Practitioner, Nutritionist and Certified Macrobiotic Health Coach, Shilpa Arora Says, “Cucumber is made of up to 95% waters and two compounds – ascorbic acid and caffeic acid – whichery Water retention.

Here are 5 easy cucumber recipes you can try.

3. coconut water:

It is no secret that coconut water is synonymous with summer in the country. But have you ever wondered, why? When our body gets dehydrated, the levels of Sodium and Potassium in our body get depleted to a great extent. A glass of coconut water is abundantly rich in Sodium and Potassium, which can brings back the lost nutrients considerable. Consuming it through

Nariyal Pani Mangalore

Coconut water is a good hydrating drink.


4. Yogurt:

Yogurt is creamy, silky, simple, made with live micro-organisms called ‘pro-biotic’, and packed with a string of health properties. It is one of the best incites in your diet when the fried and greasy holi party menu is bogging your gut down. It’s also one of the best things to have in the summer heat believe it is usually consumed chilled and has around 85 percent water content. Lastly, Yogurt is a great source of protein, vitamin b, and calcium.

Hosting a Holi Party? Pair your rich curries with these delectable raita recipes.

5. Bottle Gourd:

If you can’t think of a good reason to include bottle gourd in your daily diet, its numerous health-benefiting properties may make you make you embrace it whole-heartedly in your daily cooking. Lauki Juice has long been haled by health experts for its medical properties. They sugges that consuming bottle gourd juice acts as a hydrating agent Reducing Excessive Body Heat – This Humble Vegetable Has Close to 96 Percent of Water Content. Lauki is also great for the stomach and light on digestive system.

Bored of the plain old lauki sabji? Here are 10 other ways you can enjoy the vegetable.

There you go; Stock up these 5 hydrating food items and have a fun and safe holi!

Happy Holi 2023 Everyone!

(Tagstotranslate) Hydration in Holi (T) Holi special food