The three-nuclean force enhances spin-arbit division, which causes a large energy difference between the atomic shells and stabilizes the nucleus. Credit: Tokuro Fukui / Cushu University

Atomic forces can be compared to the game of catch. With two-nuclean forces, two players, or nuclean, interact by throwing a ball to each other. The ball, a sub-atomic particle called mason, can vary in heaviness, with the lightest mason, known as poy, is responsible for long distance attractions between nuclearies. With three-nuclean force, three players, or nuclearies, and balls, or mason, are passed between them. Credit: Tokuro Fukui / Cushu University
Citation: An unseen atomic force helps to keep the case stable, studies show (2025, January 28) on 28 January 2025 Nuclear- Stable- Reveals taken from .html.
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