Canadian National Expedited Visa, Religious Conversion Bid exiles in Assam

Canadian National Expedited Visa, Religious Conversion Bid exiles in Assam

Canadian National Brandon Joel Development, which was deported from India

Guwahati/New Delhi:

Police said in a statement that a Canadian citizen who was found to be engaged in agel activities on a finished tourist visa in Assam was sent to his country.

“During the investigation, it was found that his visa ended on January 7, 2025 and he was addressing religious meetings and advocating Christianity against the visa criteria,” police said.

Police reported the case to the Regional Registration offices (FRRO) of foreigners in Kolkata, which issued a notice to deport it.

A Jorhat officer took Mr. Devalt to Kolkata Airport, from where the authorities took him to Delhi to take his flight to Toronto, Canada.
