Chatbot is threatening national security? Why the countries are banning Deepsek AI

Chatbot is threatening national security? Why the countries are banning Deepsek AI


Chinese AI Chatbot Dipsek picked up the global industry and erased billions of American tech shares when it unveiled its R1 program, which claims that cheap, less sophisticated Nvidia was built on semiconductors.

But now governments from Washington to Seoul are scrambled to ban the user -friendly Chinese app from official equipment, saying that they need to stop the potential leaks of sensitive information through generative AI services.

AFP takes a look at what is going on:

Who has banned Deepsek?

Earlier there was Rome to work, which began an investigation in Deepsek and stated that it was blocking the upstart Chinese app from placing data of Italian users. Italy’s Data Protection Authority briefly blocked Chatgpt in 2023.

Subsequently, Taiwan banned the workers from using lampsakes in the public sector and on major infrastructure facilities, saying that it was a Chinese product and can endanger national security, with Australia with later After days.

The South Korean ministry-defense and integration, which oversees the relationship with the nuclear-host-north-and the country’s police force banned the app from military and work computers, citing security risks.

American MPs also went to present “no deepec on government equipment”, Congress Darin Lahud said the national security threat said “the Chinese Communist Party-condemned company” was “dangerous” lamps in the United States.

Why are they worried?

In the terms and conditions of the lampsakes, the third party has a section on the provision of personal data – similar to the one to be used by the chat GPT of Openai.

But American companies usually oppose government requests for data, “When the government requests to use the government, companies are legally bound to provide user data,” soon a data of the University Security Professor Uom Hung-Yul said.

“The difference between user privacy respect and providing government access often shapes how to believe in countries.”

According to Deepsek’s privacy policy, it also collects information on the “key stroke pattern or rhythm” that detects the keyboard pattern how a person interacts with each button.

Beijing, for its share, the Chinese government says that “enterprises or individuals will not be required to collect or store data illegally”.

This claims that restrictions do not reflect valid national security concerns, but “highlights the politicization of economic, trade and technical issues,” said Guo Jiyakun, spokesman for the Ministry of External Affairs.

is it fair?

After Washington expressed concern about Deepsak, this step to ban South Korea “reflects both real concerns to follow the US line and the reflective response to their knee shock,” Professor Vladimir Tikhonov of the study said.

American security partner South Korea “cannot work alone in a large -scale war situation. So they are less or less expecting to follow the US Army’s cyber security guidelines,” he said.

But in fairness for Beijing and Deepsek, “No major technology company is politically neutral”, he said.

He said, “Google stores historical discovery information and it is innocent to think that it is not shared with government agencies when requested,” he said, although the possibility of big technical cooperation with officials in China ” Was widespread. “

Deepsek “is the policy to align with the main values ​​of socialism” Isabel Hou, Taiwan’s AI expert and Taiwan AI Academy General Secretary told AFP.

For example, sensitive inquiries about Tianmen Square or Taiwanese state – which will usually be censor in China – must be possible on deepsake elsewhere.

“But we find that Dipsek actually uses a single set of rules when providing services abroad,” said Ho.

Is it unexpected?

“Deepsek was launched in May 2023, and thus could not emerge overnight,” told AFP, Professor Park at Yongin University’s Chinese study, Yongin University’s Chinese study.

Specializes indicate a huge amount of research and development (R&D) China has inserted companies in recent years.

According to data from the Korea Chamber of Commerce, China finished second among the world’s top R&D investors after the US, but saw the most significant growth, its investment volume increased by more than 11 times in the last decade.

“I see it (the release of R1) as a calculated trick that was prepared before the Trump era, and we should focus on the second and third waves of Deepsek,” the park said.

What next?

Deepsek says that it uses low-up-up H800 chips-China has been allowed for sale under US Export Control by 2023-to provide electricity to its large teaching models.

While the semiconductor has exported the powerhouse, South Korea and Taiwan are concluding on the sale of state-of-the-art chips, Deepsek has thrown the industry into the turmoil.

“If Dipsek has actually used H800, it means that even without state-of-the-art semi-circulars, similar results can be obtained with normal semi-selected, as long as the software is good,” Park’s-soon, ” AFP, a professor of Chinese economics at the University of Suungkyankwan, told AFP. ,

He said, “Countries like America and China are investing in large -scale talent and resources in software development,” he said that governments like Seoul have been shown that it needs to move forward and “promoted this development Provide help to give. “
