In the past, analytical skills were mainly required to professionals-doctors, engineers, police officers etc. of specific areas. These were adult professionals who received adequate education and training before doing such tasks.
However, today the situation is very different. Analytical skills are now necessary for everyone – whether it is a student, a housewife, a farmer, or a common man who has not been formally trained in critical analysis. We all require these skills to move forward in daily life.
Consider the decisions we take regularly – if you need loans for education, agriculture or housing, there are countless options with different terms and conditions. If you want to buy a vehicle, the options are very high. When planning a trip, you come to face many options. Insurance policies, whether for your vehicle, health or other purposes, are necessary and choosing the right policies can be complex.
Even when you go to a doctor, you often have to face different types of experts. If a student has to choose an educational passage, the options are abundant and confused. Even choosing the right subject for a student can be challenging. In every aspect of life, we are surrounded by options.
In addition, marketing and sales strategies are designed to influence our decisions, often with the goal of “Hakane” in a particular option. If we make wrong decisions, then later we can find ourselves under difficult conditions. So, how should we make sure that we get accurate information and we should take carefully decide?
Apart from this, we continue to shower information from all directions. When we turn to the Internet for information, we face thousands of sources. Social media platforms like WhatsApp fill us with information on every subject. But how many of these information is accurate? How can we differentiate between right and wrong?
Efforts are also being made by fraudsters, which are constantly engaged in causing major damage. Newspapers regularly report about miscreants who grab a large amount of money from the victims without doubt. These fraudsters often call the officers or even family members, claiming to be a copy call using advanced artificial intelligence to mislead people, resulting in financial and other disadvantages. The misleading information is widespread and exists in many forms.
No one has any way to avoid these conditions. Given the future, the situation is going to get worse. We all require accurate data to make decisions in life and move forward. In this scenario, how will we know that the data is accurate and how will we train in analytical skills?
There is no infallible solution anywhere. The only thing that can do is that every person should protect themselves. We all know, this is not easy at all. To do this, everyone has to develop critical analytical abilities. No person can achieve this ability overnight, but step by step anyone can achieve it. Long -term approach is required with concrete efforts. Training should start from a very young age and possibly continue the whole life. This skill will be extremely useful, a capacity that a person will need throughout his life.
This training must be obtained from professionals. Thus start this training from school days and develop it step by step. Analytical ability development should be part of the educational course and every effort should be made to achieve it.
In mathematics, science and technologies, analytical methods are used and it is a part of problems-solution techniques. These methods will definitely be helpful. But what we are talking about here is in social situations. Therefore, someone should put it in social science subjects and extend it to the situations that are happening around us. As technology and other activities go ahead in the future, circumstances will also change, so it should be a continuous process of learning. Language subjects can also include analytical skills.
Fraud and wrong information is increasing day by day. Everyone needs to be equipped with all types of defense capabilities to protect themselves and to remain productive.
-The writer, Dr. V. Premchandran, is a member of the Working Group at the Kerala State Planning Board, and was a senior fellow at the Solar Energy Research Institute of the National University, Singapore.
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(To translate tag) analytical ability (T) Education Course (T) Information Bombing (T) Analytical Skills (T) Perfect Data (T) Artificial intelligence (T) AI (T) Deep Fake