On Sunday, the star of Malayalam cinema, Prithviraj Sukumaran was present at the teaser launch of his upcoming directorial. L2: Empuraanstarring Mohanlal, revealed that he was once supposed to direct the Tamil superstar Rajinikanth in a movie, but he couldn’t get the script ready on time.
At the event, Prithviraj, who made his directorial debut with 2019’s LuciferA. Subaskaran of Lyca Productions had once approached him for a project starring Rajinikanth under his banner.
“Subaskaran sir first reached out to me by allowing me to do a film for Lyca Productions, starring Rajinikanth sir. The opportunity was so good for a new director like me, and I tried my best to see if I could come up with something, ” he said.
“Subaskaran sir wanted the project to happen within a particular timeline. Since I’m a part-time director, I couldn’t come up with a subject for the producer. So, that didn’t happen,” he clarified.
Even though that film didn’t work out, it led to a friendship between the actor and Subaskaran. Here’s what happened next.
“In the meantime, Subaskaran sir asked me, ‘You can’t direct a film for us with Rajini?’ I said, ‘Unfortunately I’m not able to (crack the idea)’. He asked me what I was doing next, and I told him, ‘I’m doing a sequel to.’ Luciferand it’s a big dream that I’ve been harboring ever since the release of Lucifer,” Prithviraj said.
“I gave him a rough outline of what the film is about. Subaskaran sir asked me, ‘How can I be part of this dream of yours?’ I wasn’t expecting this. I’m thankful to him,” he added.
The teaser launch event of L2: Empuraan was attended by the who’s who of the Malayalam film industry – such as Mammootty, Manju Warrier, Tovino Thomas, and actor-director Basil Joseph. The film is slated to hit the theaters on March 27.