Electronic Arts finally revealed the gameplay from the next battlefield title and announced a community testing program to collect the player’s response during development. The company shared a brief look at the game on Monday, with a new video battalfield labs, a player test and feedback program with pre-alpha gameplay footage. The next battlefield title entered a “important phase” of development and the player’s response would be used to refine the game before launch, EA said.
First see the next battlefield
At the end of the video, announcing the Batalfield Labs, the EA started the pre-alpha gameplay from the next battlefield, showing a deep urban fighter area with a devastating atmosphere.
The Battalfield franchise is not yet an official title or launch timeline in the next installment, but EA stated that the game was entering the “important phase” of its development cycle.
“Even in the East-Alpha, we are proud of where the game is. We tirelessly playtest, but your response will supercharged our development because we try to hit that perfect note between form, function and feel, âthe company said. Announcement,
Batalfield Labs announced player test, response
In the post, EA shared details about Batalfield Labs, which is a community-based program, where the company will share concepts and experiences with players for testing.
âWe will do everything (almost) tests, but whatever you see will not be fulfilled. To ensure that your response has an effect, players will experience different pieces of an incomplete puzzle under NDA, so we have time to include your response in the final product, âEA said.
Under the program, core combat and destruction will be tested first, before the player’s response to gather on weapons, vehicles, gadgets, maps, mode and squad play. EA also confirmed that it would test the popular battlefield mode victory and success through BF Labs.
Company too revealed Battalfield Studio, a collection of four EA studios working on the next generation military shooter, criteria, motives and ripple effects. Four studios will work under a single banner on the title of the next battlefield.
Separately, EA also confirmed on Monday that the need for speed developer criteria was now fully focused on the battlefield, with working on the NFS franchise.