Gita’s talk with Siya Parmanand Dharma Live

Gita’s talk with Siya Parmanand Dharma Live

Gita’s talk with Siya Parmanand Dharma Live

This time our guest in Dharma Live’s Podcast #DharmaSamvad is eight-year-old Siya Parmanand, who studies in Gurukul of Vatsalya Gram and has full knowledge of Sanatan Dharma. Vatsalya Gram is an orphanage run by Paramashakti Peetha. It is established by Sadhvi Ritambhara (Didi Maa). In this, arrangements for housing, food, health and education are made to orphan children and abandoned women. Its basic mantra is that abandoned women and children should complement each other and fulfill each other’s emotional needs. They have been adopted by Didi Maa i.e. Sadhvi Ritambhara and she has nurtured them since childhood. So today in this Podcast Siya Parmanand we will learn about Geeta, sin and virtue….so watch the complete Podcast.