Globus NIH meets new security expectations for controlled-access data. Newswaise

Globus NIH meets new security expectations for controlled-access data. Newswaise

NewsWise – NIH has announced Implementation update for data management and access practices under genomic data sharing policyEffective from January 25, 2025, approved users of NIH controlled-access data should maintain such data with the institutional IT system and third party computing infrastructure with Nist SP 800–171. NIH controlled-access data repository should note that they are obedient on medium base with Nist SP 800-53, with NIH controlled-access data for storing and sharing data The IT system and/or cloud service providers.

You can use Globus data management services to complete these new NIH security for controlled-access data in your institution. Globus High Assurance Services Nist Sp 800-171 and NIST SP 800-53 complies with medium base line, which is required by updated NIH policy. Researchers can use globus for obedient data movement, whether genomic data has been on-rude or cloud hosted. Data repository can take advantage of globus platforms to provide their users safe, and easy to use data access interfaces. Researchers and repository can equally use globus for obedient data sharing capabilities, including fadered identity and management of folder level permission through groups, transferring data in shared service without any file shared service or temporary user accounts Without the need to make and manage. document High assurance collection for protected data Globes offers an observation to deploy and use globus to meet these data safety requirements in your institute.

Please contact (Email protected) If you are interested in learn more about how globus can help you complete the best practices of NIH controlled-access data and safety for repository.
