How many trees are there in China? Lidar and large data leaf through forests to find out

How many trees are there in China? Lidar and large data leaf through forests to find out

UAV-mounted lidar data collection and individual tree division. Credit: University of Peking

What’s new?

  • By vegetation region: With a density of 720 trees/hectares, cold temperate conical forests contributed more than 60% of the total tree count (8.79 billion trees), while hot temperate deciduous wide forests demonstrated the highest density on 989 trees/hectares.
  • By the geographical region: Northeast, South -East and South -Western regions represented the number and density of trees compared to the north and north -west. In particular, the maximum number of trees in the South -West region were 3.6 billion.
  • By River Basin: Yangtzi River Basin topped the list with 496 million trees, while South -East, South -West and Pearl River Basins were more than 1 billion each.
  • By the province: Sichuan, Heylongjiang, Yunnan, and Guangshi province were houses for more than 1 billion trees, which accounting for 32% of the national total. Sichuan was in the first place due to its territory and climatic conditions. XIzang led the counting of trees per person with 1,982 of 121 trees per capita, reflecting inequality between the distribution of trees and inhabitants, which provides insight to resource management and ecological policies.

Citation: How many trees are there in China? To find out on Lidar and Big Data Leaf (2025, 4 March) through the forests, on 9 March 2025 taken from TRESE-China-china- Lidar-sk-html

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