iCart partners with Grameen Foundation to extend market connectivity to FPOs

iCart partners with Grameen Foundation to extend market connectivity to FPOs

Agrifood fintech platform Aykart has announced a strategic partnership with Grameen Foundation India. The collaboration aims to expand Aykart’s Income Agriculture Platform (PaaS) along with market linkage services with embedded finance for Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) affiliated with Grameen Foundation in India, promoting financial inclusion and reducing marginalization. The aim is to enable women-oriented communities, which primarily focus on women.

FPOs can use Aaykrishi to connect to the market and access supplier networks. The platform includes planning features to help FPOs organize their operations effectively and provides advisory suggestions to support FPOs in decision making and strategy development.

The primary objective of the collaboration between Aaykart and Grameen Foundation is to integrate Aaykrishi for market linkage activities and FPO management promoted by Grameen. This collaboration will greatly benefit the FPOs, including access to various marketable commodities and assistance in purchasing and selling of produce based on demand and supply conditions.

Grameen supports these efforts, aligning with its mission to connect farmers/FPOs to profitable markets, the Foundation’s partnership will ensure that FPOs have the necessary support and resources to effectively leverage the Income Agriculture platform.

Debarshi Dutta, Co-Founder and CEO, iCart said, “This collaboration is an important step towards enhancing financial inclusion and market access of FPOs/farmers. Together, we aim to create sustainable livelihoods and empower FPOs/Farmers and MSMEs by leveraging digital technology.”

Bharti Joshi, interim CEO of Grameen, said: “By joining hands with iCart, we can advance our mission of eradicating poverty and hunger by empowering the poor, especially women. We recognize the catalytic role of technology in bridging the gap between farmers and entrepreneurs on the one hand and the market (including technical service providers) on the other. ,