Igrins of Gemini South explore amazing signat

Igrins of Gemini South explore amazing signat

About one third known exoplanets Are huge Gas giantsEqual to Bupeter Or saturnBut while our solar system developed with gas giants away from our Sun, some planetary systems include the so -called ‘Hot-or even Ultra-Hot-Jupiters‘Close to his star very close, some closer Mercury Is for the sun. These hot, puffy giants tolerate excessive temperature and sometimes names ‘Roasting Marshmallow’.

Graduate Associate at the School of Earth and Space Exploration of Arizona State University, as a member of the Rosting Marshmallow Program, is checking the atmospheric chemistry of Peter Smith, Peter Smith, Hot and Ultra-Hot Jupiters so that they can know that they can know that they can know that Protoplanetary disc That formed from them.

This program uses immersion of Jhanjhari Infrared Spectraographs (Igris), But Gemini South Telescope In chili, half of International Gemini ObservatoryFunded in part by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and operated by NSF noirlab. Recently, the team visited the famous gas giant Vasp -121B, and Their observation Some unexpectedly something unexpected about the history of its formation. His research is presented in one paper Is visible in The Astronomical Journal.

A Planetary system A protoplanery disk is called a rotating disc with a mixture of rocky and icy content. Rocky materials, such as iron, magnesium, and silicon, are easily present in their solid conditions and the extreme level of heat is required to evaporate in gas, while icy materials, such as water, methane, amonia and carbon monoxide, ease, ease They are evaporated and required very little. Temperature to be condensed.

Due to their separate temperature thresholds, rocky and icy material within the disc spread into a shield, which varies from solid to gas depending on the distance from the stars. As a result, astronomers can find the signature of these elements in the planets and their atmosphere structure, calculate the icy content of the rocky ratio, and determine how far from the planet’s planet.

Measure this ratio usually requires multiple observations, using a device to detect sensitive solid rocky elements towards visible light and address gaseous icy elements for sensitive light sensitive to another sensitive light To apply. But because the WASP-121B is an ultra-hot Jupiter with excessive temperature, both materials are evaporated into the atmosphere and is able to detect with high spectral resolution of IGRINS.

With these comments, Smith and his team first performed to measure the rock-to-i Ice ratio Transiting planet Using the same device. This unique ability allowed by IGRINS eliminates potential errors initiated by instrumental difference and exoplanet proceeds in an optimistic manner for chemical analysis. “Ground-based data from Gemini South using Igrins had actually gained more accurate measurements of individual chemical abundance than space-based telescopes,” Smith says.

Spectroscopic data suggests that the wasp-121B has a high rock-to-ice ratio, indicating that it used to increase the excess of rocky materials, while it was forming. It suggests the planet formed in an area of ​​the protoplanetary disc, where it was too hot for Ices, which is a surprising discovery because it is generally believed that solid ICEs are required to make gas giants. “Our measurement means that perhaps this specific view needs to be reconsidered and our planetary formation model has been re -presented,” Smith says.

Smith and his team also found remarkable features of the wasp -121B atmosphere. “The climate of this planet is extreme, and there is nothing like Earth,” He says. The planet’s day is so hot that elements are usually considered as ‘metal’, evaporating in the atmosphere, making them detectable through spectroscopy. Strong winds blow these metals into the permanent nitcide of the planet, where it is quite cold for them and they were seen on the wast -121B as calcium rains -one effect for mining and rain.

“Our instrument sensitivity is moving at the point where we can use these elements to check various fields, height, and longitudinal, which to see the subtleties like wind speed, it tells that this planet How dynamic, “ Smith says.

Igrins Gemini South had a visiting instrument when Smith visited the wasp -121B during 2022 and 2023. it is Is left Telescope to return to your home institute. The instrument was so successful that a new recurrence of it – Igrins-2 – Was Commission For Gemini north telescope In Hawaii and now in its science calibration phase.

Smith cites IGRINS as a major factor in the detailed measurement of his team’s Vasp -121B environment, and is ready to increase these investigations in other exoplanetary systems with IGRINS -2. Hot and Ultra-Hot Jupiter making a large sample of the atmosphere will allow scientists to refine their knowledge how giant planets form.

