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In India, ‘Good Samaritan Law’ is implemented to provide immediate assistance to road accident victims. This law provides legal protection and a reward of up to ₹ 25,000 to the helpers. Its aim is to inspire people to help the needy without any fear.
India’s first Good Samaritan law was enacted in 2016.
The increase in the number of road accidents in India in 2023 was shocking, with one person dying every three minutes. A total of 1.72 lakh road accidents occurred in the country in 2023, which is 4.2% more than the 1.68 lakh deaths in 2022. Nearly 45% of deaths in 2023 were of two-wheeler riders, followed by pedestrians at 20%. Non-use of safety equipment, such as drivers not wearing helmets, caused 31.5% of deaths and 9.3% were caused by not wearing seat belts. Speeding was the number one cause of most deaths, accounting for 68.1% of the deaths.
All these worrying figures are enough to make all of us aware of the urgent need for safe roads and responsible behaviour. In such a situation, the Good Samaritan Law appears as a ray of hope, which is a strong step towards providing timely assistance to the victims of road accidents and saving countless lives.
What is the Good Samaritan Law?
The Supreme Court enacted India’s first Good Samaritan law in 2016 following a petition by the SaveLife Foundation in 2012, which provides legal protection to people who help victims of road accidents without any civil or criminal liability. This law has been made to encourage those citizens who come forward themselves and help the victims of road accidents.
There are countless examples of passers-by refusing to help road accident victims simply because they did not want to make rounds of the police, hospitals and courts. Many people were also unaware that road accident victims require immediate treatment and in most cases the injuries are treatable.
To further encourage people, the government has recently decided to increase the reward money for Good Samaritan to Rs 25,000, which is five times more than the present reward money of Rs 5,000. This decision shows the government’s commitment towards saving lives on the roads.
Piyush Tiwari, Founder and CEO of Save Life Foundation, said, “Every second counts to save lives in case of a road accident. People should not be discouraged from helping due to fear of civil or criminal cases. The Good Samaritan Law, established by the Supreme Court of India in 2016 following a writ petition by Save Life Foundation, is not just a law – it empowers ordinary citizens to act exceptionally in times of crisis. In India, it must be ensured that helping hands are protected and not punished.”
Highlights of Good Samaritan Law
- Protection from legal liability: Good Samaritans are protected by law from any form of liability or legal action that may result from rendering assistance to road accident victims.
- Confidentiality of personal information: Unless the person providing help wants to give his personal information, his identity is kept confidential.
- Exemption from appearing in courts: Unless they are material witnesses to road accident incidents, Good Samaritans are not required to appear in courts.
- Encouraging immediate assistance: The law encourages bystanders to provide immediate assistance to road accident victims without worrying about getting entangled in legal procedures.
Impact of Good Samaritan Law
The Good Samaritan Law aims to encourage citizens to come forward and assist road accident victims during the ‘golden hour’ without fear of harassment or intimidation. The ‘golden hour’ is the first 60 minutes after a road accident when timely and appropriate care can significantly increase a victim’s chances of survival. Apart from protecting the persons who help road accident victims, the Good Samaritan Law also inspires others to do the same and increases the sense of empathy and responsibility among the citizens.
How can we contribute?
It is the responsibility of every citizen to help victims of road accidents. Life saving measures include calling an ambulance, giving first aid etc. It is very important that the general public be made aware of their legal rights under the Good Samaritan Law.
The Good Samaritan Law is an important step to ensure that people in need can easily get help after road accidents. This law encourages a sense of responsibility among people and increases sensitivity towards each other in our society.
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New Delhi,New Delhi,Delhi
January 20, 2025, 13:33 IST
India’s Good Samaritan Law: Bridging the gap between help and hesitation