India’s optional investment fund AUM Triple in 5 years – CNBC TV18

India’s optional investment fund AUM Triple in 5 years – CNBC TV18

India’s Alternative Investment Fund (AIFS) has experienced a decent increase in assets under management (AUM) in the last five years. This reflects changes in investment preferences between high-net-forth individuals (HNI) and institutional investors.

According to EY data, in 2019, the AUM for AIF was approximately $ 34.4 billion. By 2023, the figure was around 101.68 billion dollars.

As the first quarter of FY2025, the joint assets of Portfolio Management Services (PMS) and AIF reached 18.87 lakh crore, with AIF alone with accounting for ₹ 11.79 lakh crore.

It represents a mixed annual growth rate (CAGR) of about 33% in the last decade, according to development industry data.

The increase in AUM is mainly operated by Category II AIFS, including private equity, real estate funds, venture capital, venture date and infrastructure funds. These funds have attracted adequate interest due to their ability to high returns and diversification benefits.

According to data from the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), as the latest available data, Category I AIFS has increased a total commitments of ₹ 83,493 crore, with an amount of ₹ 45,797 crore and a total distance of ₹ 39,115 crore has increased. Has been invested on.

Category II AIFS has seen the commitments of 9,76,045 crore, with an amount of ₹ 3,44,474 crore and an amount of ₹ 2,86,959 crore with investment.

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