IPO Alert: What should be the investment strategy in Aelea Commodities’ IPO?  ,  Money Live

IPO Alert: What should be the investment strategy in Aelea Commodities’ IPO? , Money Live

Aelea Commodities IPO is a book built issue of Rs 51.00 crore. This issue is a fresh issue of total 53.69 lakh shares. Aelea Commodities IPO opens for subscription on July 12, 2024 and closes on July 16, 2024. The allotment for Aelea Commodities IPO is expected to be finalized on Thursday, July 18, 2024. Aelea Commodities IPO will be listed on BSE SME with provisional listing. The date was set for Monday, July 22, 2024. The price band of Aelea Commodities IPO has been set at ₹91 to ₹95 per share. The minimum lot size for an application is 1200 shares. The minimum investment amount required for Retail Investors is ₹114,000. The minimum lot size investment for HNIs is 2 lots (2,400 shares), amounting to ₹228,000.