Nasa astronauts are gearing up for a scientific mission aboard the International space station. Expedition 73 Nasa Astronauts Nichole Ayers and Anne McClain, Jaxa (Japan aerospace exploration agency) Astronaut Takuya Onishi, And Roscosmos Cosmonaut Kirill Peskov Will LAUNCH in MARCHC Agency’s Spacex Crew-10 Mission. Nasa astronaut jonny kim will join the crew when he launches aboard the roscosmos soyuz ms-27 spacecraft in April AlongSide Roscosmos Cosmonauts Sergey Ryzhikov and Alexey Zubritsky.
Read more about some of the microgravity research planned by nasa and its partners:
Astronauts often Serve as Test Subjects, Submitting Blood and Other Samples for Research. Nasa astronaut anne mcClain is pictured submitting a sample on a previous mission with assistance from CSA (Canadian Space Agency) Astronaut David Saint-Jacques. McClain will participate in nasa’s completes of integrated protocols for human exploration Research Investigation, Or Cipher, A Suite of Integrated Studies on physiology Space. Results Cold Provide Valuable Insights for Future Deep Space Missions.
When Expedition 73 Astronauts Engage With Students Worldwide Via The Iss Ham Radio Program, Researchers will use the Ham radio hardware to test software for the Navigation and Communization Test Help Shape Future Lunar Navigation. Researchers from the Investigation Recently Launched a Related Study to the Moon Aboard Firefly’s Blue Ghost to Help Bridge Existing Earth Navigation with emerging lunar-specific solairs.
Expedition 73 is Scheduled to Conduct a Material Ignition and Suppression Test (Sofie-Mist), Testing Material Flammability in Microgravity. This Research Could Improve Fire Safety on Future Missions, Contributing to Models Used to Select Materials for Space Facilites and Helping to Determine the Best Ways to Extinguish Fiers in Spactor.
Expedition 73 Crew Members will Participate in Drain Brain 2.0, which examines how blood flows from the brain to the heart in microgravity using this Pleethysmography, a Device of the Volume of Bloude Drainage From the skull. Results Body Identify Allies In the Body Compensate for the Lack of Gravity, Helping to Ensure Proper Blood Flow for Astronauts on Future Missions and People with Cardiovascular OND Earth.
The International Space Station is a convergence of Science, Technology, and Human Innovation that enables research not possible on Earth. For more than 24 years, nasa has supported a continuous us human presence aboard the orbiting laboratory, through astronauts havened to live and work in space for extended perio The space station is a springboard for developing a low economy and nasa’s next great leaps in exploration, include missions to the moon under artemis and, ultimately, INDER ARTEMIS and, Insa Murses.
Learn more about the International Space Station, Its Research, and Its Crew, At: