A hexagon-shaped plastic structure was used to generate waves that were merged by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore to create complex patterns on the water surface in a tank for co-tendon. These patterns trapped and trapped a floating foam ball. Credit: University of Henan
Lesson from light

The image shows how water rotates in a complex pattern generated by the waves generated by the ring -shaped plastic structure in the water tank. While analyzing this an image was generated how the water goes up and down in the pattern. Credit: University of Henan

The researchers were able to swim a ping pong ball in a water tank, which were able to spin about its center and move with a certain circular path using waves generated with a ring -shaped plastic structure with a certain circular path. Credit: University of Henan
Heavy potential effects
Citation: The novel technique receives the water waves properly controlling items (2025, 11 March) from https://pHys.org/news/news/2025-03-technique- profitacelicly.html on 11 March 2025.
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