Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated every year on Ashtami Tithi and at midnight when Rohini Nakshatra prevails. People will celebrate Krishna’s birthday by keeping a fast on 26th August. Then after birth they will break the fast. It is believed that on this day, God is pleased by worshiping Shri Krishna whether through fasting, worship, decoration or chanting his name. On Janmashtami, there is a tradition to worship the child form of Lord Shri Krishna like a child. Let us know the correct method of adorning Kanha on Krishna Janmashtami-
How to do makeup?
First of all, anoint Lord Shri Krishna with raw milk, curd, honey, ghee and Ganga water. After this, wipe the latter thoroughly with a clean cloth. Now dress the Lord. Wear bracelets in hands, jewelery and garlands in ears. Crown the Lord and hold the flute. After the birth of Shri Krishna, he is made to sit in a swing. Also make arrangements for a beautiful swing.
jewelery– Make arrangements for bracelets on hands, anklets on feet, kundan in ears, waist band, Vaijayanti garland, flower garland, yellow colored clothes, Gopi sandalwood and sandalwood fragrance.
peacock feather- Use peacock feathers to adorn Shri Krishna on Janmashtami. Peacock feather is considered to be Kanha’s favourite. Therefore, decorate Kanha’s crown and swing with peacock feathers.
Flute– According to religious beliefs, Kanhaiya likes to play flute or flute. Therefore, include flute in the makeup of Lord Krishna. It is considered lucky.
decorate with flowers– Decorate the Lord’s swing and the place of worship with colorful flowers of red, yellow, white, pink and blue. Arrange different types of flowers, it would be best if you get Parijat and Vaijayanti flowers.
Cow-calf statue- According to mythology, Lord Shri Krishna used to take cows and calves to graze grass. Therefore, keep small idols of cows and calves near the swing of the Lord.
butter pot- Keep small pots of butter next to Lord Shri Krishna. If you wish, fill these pots with flowers.
Disclaimer: We do not claim that the information given in this article is completely true and accurate. For detailed and more information, please consult an expert in the relevant field.