Performing mutual relations in nuclear physics. Newswaise

Performing mutual relations in nuclear physics. Newswaise

Byline: Chris Patrick

NewsWise-Newport News, VA- As a graduate student at Tecnológico de Monterrey in VA-Mexico, Felip Ortega-Gama worked as a part of Science Undergraduate Laboratory Interactive Program at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility of US Department of Energy. There, Ortga-Gama worked with Raul Brisno, who was jointly appointed in the lab. Theoretical and computational physics center (Theory Center) and Professor Old dominion university,

BRICENOO introduced him to Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the principle that describes Strong conversationThis is the force that binds Quarks and Gluns To make together Proton, Neutron And other particles are generously called Hedron. The theorists use a computational method forged QCD to resolve QCD, to make predictions based on this principle. These predictions are then used to help explain the results of the experiments associated with the Hedron.

“Raul showed me this plot, which had experimental measurements of calculations and mass for a group of particles lying above each other,” said how well the prophecies and measurements were stated by Ortga-Gama. “This was the first time I realized that you could use QCD to make an accurate prediction of properties for all these particles.”

This moment attracted Ortega-Gama to work with QCD and Jefferson Lab. Despite the success shown in the plot, the physicists are not yet able to use QCD to calculate all possible information about quarks, glones and the particles they have made.

While a Ph.D. Student on William and MaryOrtga-Gama took advantage of the university’s close ties with the laboratory and again began working with Brisno, as well as a senior scientist at Jefferson Lab with a joint position in William and Mary, with a joint position in William and Mary, QCD to more understood.

As a result of this cooperation, Ortga-Gama is the lead author of a fake QCD calculation, published in Physical review dIt appears to have two uneven reactions, including pion, the lightest particle ruled by strong interaction.

QCD Calculation Connection

A reaction is known as a spaclic process, where an electron is bounced with a pion. The second response, known as the timelike process, when an electron and anthetron collides, destroys each other, and produces two pions.

“At the inscribed value, both these processes look completely different,” Dudech said. “But in fact, they are described by the same physics. Their diagrams have been rotated only in relation to each other. Felip has shown in a calculation at the level of Quarks and GlunsThat they are connected in a smooth, simple way. ,

This numerical calculation is able to describe spaclic and timelik processes, demonstrating the interrelations of various reactions described by QCD together. While this relationship was seen experimentally, now physicists have mathematics to confirm it.

Previous work by Ortga-Gama inspired this inaugural calculation. After the particles collide in an experiment, the collision products fly outwards until capturing a detector, with strong interaction, a far more distance than the reach of a ‘theoretical infinity’. But during numerical calculations, which are limited by available computational power, these particles are placed in a finite box in a short time than the range of strong interaction.

“This is a problem, because how are you related to the results of a finite box for infinite volume results measured by your experimental detector?” Ortga-Gama said.

To solve this problem, Brisno, Dudech, and other community members have developed a formalities-a set of 1st relationships that, once you have numerical results in hand, will produce infinite-volume prediction. .

Ortega-Gama, with Brisno, further developed to calculate the form factors such as other hedrones to develop this formalities, which are unstable, unlike pion, unlike pion.

“Felip had some really influential formality papers before this paper,” said Dudek. “And the strongest researcher, I would say, in our territory of fake QCDs are those who specialize in both formalities and are actually numerical calculations and working with numeric data. This man can do both these things at the highest level. ,

His Ph.D. Advisor, Dudek met with Ortga-Gama Weekly during the project to refine the calculations and bounce around ideas.

“For each stage of calculation, I could reach him to cooperate so that we could adapt the code to the specific type of study in which we were interested,” Ortga-Gama said.

Interaction in nuclear physics

Both Dudech and Brisno are senior members Headron spectrum (Hadspec) cooperationWhich uses forged QCD to calculate the properties of the headron. The work of Ortga-Gama used computational infrastructure that developed cooperation.

“The project evolved out of conversation with various members of this cooperation,” said Ortga-Gama.

For example, Robert Edwards, a member of the Jefferson Lab’s theory Center, has developed a large set of codes by Robert Edwards, a member of Hadspec, which strengthens the forged QCD calculation. Ortga-Gama took advantage of this codebase, as well as Edwards expertise in this work.

Ultimately, these collaborations have taken Ortga-Gama to their current position: in a postdotoral scholar University of California, BerkeleyHe continued to work on the QCD calculation with Brisno in September 2024, now a professor in UC Berkeley.

“It was definitely helpful for such an important task to facilitate the infection from a PhD. For a postdotoral scholar, “Ortga-Gama said.

Further reading
Bachelor of science laboratory internship (suli) program


The Jefferson Science Associates, LLC, the US Department of Energy of Science manages and operates and operates the National Excellent Facility or Jefferson Lab. JSA South -East Universities Research Association, Inc. (Sura) is a fully owned subsidiary of (Sura).

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