A senior female professor of a university in West Bengal, who is in the eyes of a storm after the trend of a video, “marrying her inside a classroom, has resigned a student inside a classroom. The offer is offered to resign on Tuesday, citing inability to continue his association with Versity, a senior official said on Tuesday.
The state -run Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University (Makaut) was performing an alleged video clip of a woman head of the Applied Psychology Department, showing the Hindu Bengali marriage ritual with a first year student of her department inside a class on January 28, Tiger an uproar.
Macaut Registrar Partha Pratim Lahiri told PTI that the professor has sent an e-mail to his office in which he has expressed his inability to continue his association with the state-driven university. The video that left her “mentally destroyed”.
“He has mentioned the incident and thanked Makat for giving an opportunity to work with the institution for the last few years,” Lahiri said.
Lahiri said that the teacher, who was asked to go on leave after the dispute, sent a mail on 1 February and it is currently in the process.
“We will tell you our decision at the right time,” he said.
The video clip, showing the teacher in all his bridal finish, was shot inside a classroom inside a classroom in the Hringhata campus of Makt in Nadia district of the state.
However, the professor claimed that it was a play implemented as part of a psycho-drama project, which was staged with the consent of students and university.
He also alleged that a part of the play was deliberately leaked by a colleague who wanted to discredit him and vandalize his career.
The teacher had said that she would take legal steps to seek measures for the damage done for her social and educational reputation.
The female academic was asked to go on leave by Makat on 29 January.
Another university official said that Versity had formed a five-member inquiry panel, all women faculty members, and the panel formed a panel in its conclusions.
“This was nothing but a cheap skit of a freshers and was unfair to a senior teacher,” said the Vice Chancellor, Tapash Chakraborty.
Professors could not reach for his comment on the matter.
(Tagstotransmit) Professor married student (T) Bengal Professor viral video