Ram Ji’s Aarti: Ram Navami is on Wednesday, 17th April. According to religious beliefs, Lord Rama was born on the day of Ram Navami. Therefore it is celebrated as Ram’s birthday. Lord Shri Ram is considered a symbol of dignity. He is called Purushottam i.e. the best man. They do not differentiate between men and women. It is said that Maryada Purushottam Lord Rama was born to end Ravana. On the ninth day of Chaitra Krishna Paksha, Lord Shri Ram was born in the house of King Dasharatha in Ayodhyapuri situated on the banks of river Saryu. Lakshman, Bharat, Shatrughan were his brothers. The day Lord Ram was born from the womb of Mother Kaushalya in Ayodhya, there was an atmosphere of joy and happiness all around. On this auspicious day, special worship of Lord Shri Ram is done across the country. On this auspicious day, Lord Do worship and praise Lord Shri Ram. Read further Aarti and praise of Lord Shri Ram-
Aarti of Lord Shri Ram-
O King Ram, let me perform your aarti.
Let me perform the aarti, dear body and mind,
Kanak Shihansan Silver Pair,
Dashrath Nandan Janak Kishori,
I will always look at the image of a couple,
O King Ram, let me perform your aarti…
The left side is the beauty of the world, mother of the world,
Sitting at my feet is Sut Anjani,
Always cherish those feet,
Oh King Ram, let me perform your aarti…
Aarti Hanumanth liked it,
Lord Shiva sings the story of Ram every day.
The story of Ram is engraved in the heart,
O King Ram, let me perform your aarti…
Beloved Ganga emerged from my feet,
The whole world worships,
Sharpen your head at those feet,
O King Ram, let me perform your aarti…
Shri Ram Stuti-
Shri Ramchandra Kripalu Bhajuman
Haran Bhavabhaya Darunam.
Nav Kanj Lochan Kanj Mukh
Kar Kanj Pad Kanjarunam ॥1॥
Kandarpa Aganit Amit Image
Nav Neel Nirad Sundaram.
Patpeet Manhun Tadit Ruchi Shuchi
Nomi Janak Sutavaram ॥2॥
Bhaju Deenbandhu Dinesh Demon
Demon dynasty Nikandanam.
Raghunand Anand Kanda Kosal
Chand Dashrath Nandanam ॥3॥
head crown ring tilak
Charu Udaru Ang Vibhushanam.
Ajanu Bhuj Shaar Chap Dhar
Sangram Jeet Kharadushanam ॥4॥
Iti Vadati Tulsidas Shankar
Shesh Muni Man Ranjanam.
Mmm Hridaya Kanj Niwas Kuru
Kamadi Khaldal Ganjan No. ॥5॥
मन जही राच्यो मिलही सो
The groom is naturally beautiful.
Karuna Nidhan Sujan Sheel
Love knows Ravaro ॥6॥
Like this Gauri Asis Sun Siya
Including Hi Harshit Ali.
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Went to the temple with a happy mind.
Jani Gauri friendly sir
Hey Harshu, don’t go anywhere.
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The body parts started getting different.