Researchers spin ‘wheel of fortune’ to find a fundamental proof of quantum mechanics

Researchers spin ‘wheel of fortune’ to find a fundamental proof of quantum mechanics

Diagrams depicting the Quantum Spin Proof provided by the teams of NUS and UNSW in Newton Journal. The left panel shows a classical ‘wheel of Fortune’, where the maximum of each shaded panel on both sides can never exceed four. The middle panel reflects the quantum-fierce possibility of finding a spin indicating a spin in a certain direction. A striking nonclassical on the right is the possibility of ‘Shrodinger Cat’ state, where spin is in a superposition to indicate in opposite directions. This spin gives the possibility of being positive equal to 0.636, which is larger than the classical maximum of 0.571, thus proves that spin is in a condition that cannot be described by classical physics. Credit: Newton (2025). Doi: 10.1016/jnewton.2025.100017

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Citation: Researchers spin ‘Wheel of Fortune’ to find a fundamental evidence of Quantum Mechanics (2025, 17 February). .Html

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