Rishi Panchami 2024: Every year, Rishi Panchami fast is observed on the fifth day of Shukla Paksha of Bhadrapada month. According to Drik Panchang, this year Rishi Panchami will be celebrated on 08 September 2024 with the worship of seven sages. This special festival is dedicated to the worship of sages. Pandit Suryamani Pandey told that the fast of Rishi Panchami is especially observed by women. But, men can also do it. On this day, seven sages – Kashyap, Atri, Bhardwaj, Vashishtha, Gautam, Jamadagni, and Vishwamitra are worshipped. These seven sages are considered to be parts of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. He is considered the author of Vedas and religious scriptures. It is believed that by observing this fast one gets freedom from all types of sins and brings happiness and peace in life.
Method of worship to perform Rishi Panchami: Acharya Pappu Pandey told that on this day devotees take bath, wear pure clothes and light a lamp in front of the idol or picture of the seven sages. Panchamrit, flowers, sandalwood, incense-lamps and various types of fruits and flowers are offered in the puja. During the puja, aarti and mantras of sages are recited and vrat katha is heard. After this, the devotees observe a water-free or fruit-free fast and meditate on the seven sages along with God throughout the day. By making golden idols of the seven sages and donating them to a worthy Brahmin on the day of Rishi Panchami, one gets infinite virtuous results.
Special for women: Gayatri Devi, who has been fasting on Rishi Panchami for many years, said that the fast of Rishi Panchami is considered especially important for women. It is believed that by observing this fast, women are freed from the sins committed unknowingly during menstruation and their family gets happiness and prosperity. According to astrologers, on this day devotees across the country worship the seven sages with great reverence and devotion and wish to make their lives religious. On this holy occasion of Rishi Panchami, all the devotees will worship the sages with pure heart and true faith and take blessings from them.