The imprint of the artist of the Hyperwellosity Star was carried out from the large Magalanic cloud (shown on the right). When a binary star system approaches a supermasive black hole, the intense gravitational force separates the pair. A star is caught in a tight orbit around the black hole, while the other flows outwards on extreme velocities – often exceeds millions of miles per hour – becomes a hyperwells star. The inset illustration depicts this process: the orbital path of the original binary is shown as interwaoven lines, in which a star is captured by a black hole (near the center of the inset), while the other is taken out in the space (lower right). Credit: CFA/Melissa Weis
This week, based on a genetic study, researchers issued a recommendation that the bison in Yelostone National Park should be considered as a large, interpreter herd. Physicists proposed a new structure that receives gravity from quantum relative entropy with implications for the development of the universe and future development. And a new fossil indicates that an early human relative went straight, similar to modern humans.
Additionally, astronomers found strong evidence for the solar system for the second-largest supermasive black hole; The ozone layer that protects the Earth from ultraviolet radiation is now recovering from the ravez of the 20th -century hairstyle industry; And researchers visited the encoding of abstract memories directly into humans.
New Gurgentua bus dropped
The center of the Milky Way is the Khoh of Dhanu A*, a supermasive black hole and the galaxy boss monster, it is estimated to be 4.3 million times more spacious than the Sun. Obviously, it is correct in the neighborhood, and the nearest supermasive to the Earth is black holes. But this week, astronomers gave strong evidence to other-coolsest supermasive black holes, and on an astronomical scale, it is only like a brief cab ride.
The Southern-Hemisfere Knighttime Observer is an astronomical privilege to step out in a clear night and see a large Magalanic cloud, a satellite of our own Milky Way. In the Northern Hemisphere, astronomers basically have to take their words for this, but are convinced that it is not just an Australian conspiracy theory.
Using the data of the Gaia mission of ESA, which tracked over 1 billion stars throughout the Galaxy, researchers detect the paths of 21 hypervalocity stars outside the Milky Way; Their speed easily reaches the velocity of the galaxy escape and they will not last long. In the past, these stars wandered very close to a supermasive black hole and ran away on tremendous energies. Analyzing the paths of these 21 objects showed that half originated in Dhanu A* at the center of Milky Way; Others originated from an already unknown supermasive Black Hole in the large Magalanic cloud.
The hole reduced
The 1980s are originally recalled for three things: the song “PAC-man fever,” actually large hairstyles, and interval holes in the ozone layer on Antarctica, due to human emissions of chlorophylorocarbons, completely or partially hallogenated hydrocarbons include carbon, hydrogen, chlorine and chlorin.
The ozone layer contains naturally occurring gas in the stratosphere that molds the surface of the planet with ultraviolet radiation of the Sun. The ozone hole is seasonal, which is visible during the spring of Australia between September and December. A thin ozone layer allows the penetration of ultraviolet radiation, leading to another feature of the 1980s-with the Synthicizer score-Buddhist-story predicts future with films when humans will wear a reflective radiation suit.
When political consensus was possible, countries stopped using chlorofluorocarbons mostly for things such as coolant and Alberto VO5 hairs), which made our huge hairstyle of the 1980s possible. A lot of time passed, Skinny pants became popular for a while, and the Southern atmosphere’s comments indicated that the ozone holes could be cured.
Now, an MIT -led study has seen signs of ozone recovery with high statistical confidence. The study author Susan Solomon says, “A lot of qualitative evidence shows that the Antarctic ozone hole is getting better. This is actually the first study that has determined the amount of confidence in the recovery of ozone hole. Conclusion, with 95% confidence, it is recovering. What we can actually solve environmental problems.”
Recall abstract
Previous studies have established that in the brain of animals, neurons encoded the memories of objects or concepts with a high level of context – a rat facing cheese in the location encounters a separate memory, when this place faces cheese in B. A new study is done with human participants – nine patients who were treated for reagent epilepsy for reagent epilepsy. Human beings encode memory more abstract than animals,
Transplantation of patients allowed researchers to record accurate neural reactions in use. He was presented with two stories supported by images of the same person in different contexts. Researchers were able to inspect groups of active neurons during two stories. The experiment confirmed that the same neuron responded to the image of a person during both stories; Additionally, the neuron became active when patients themselves wrote stories again. This is a strong sign that humans think of concepts, objects and people independently.
Dr. “This ability allows us to create a much more abstract and complex associations and conclusions, if we were forced to think about each concept within a specific, solid context,” says Quinn Quiroga. In other words, humans can reduce their memories to create more abstract ideas.
Âİ 2025 Science X Network
Citation: Saturday quotes: a supermasive black hole in LMC; Ozone layer recovery; Abstract memory in humans (2025, 8 March) taken from 8 March 2025 from Citations- Supermassive- Block- Hole.html
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