Scene of first contact between the earliest reported human coronvirus and its human receptor molecule

Scene of first contact between the earliest reported human coronvirus and its human receptor molecule

The molecular model of HCOV -229E spike (S) protein in the complex with its receptor HAPN based on Cryo -EM and MS glycosylation analysis. An atomic model is colored by a chain and attached to a transparent cryo-EM map. 229e s and Hapn, cell membrane and virus membrane’s ecds are labeled. B completely glycosilated model (left) site-specific glycan attempted by the related high-manox content, as described in the legend. The surface of S protein on the right is 0 to 100%color from a glycan preservation effect. Credit: National Taiwan University

Credit: Nature communication (2025). Doi: 10.1038/s41467-025-57359-8

Citation: On 8 March 2025, the first -reported contact between the human coronvirus and its human receptor molecule (March 7) reported on 8 March 2025 Earleiest-monavirus.htmliest-arliest-arlievirus.htmliest-ar

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