Newswise – Nuclear high-energy collision nucleus provide a unique opportunity to recreate quark-gluon plasma (QGP) In the laboratory, for a brief moment. QGP is a primordial, extremely hot form of nuclear matter proton And neutron Dissolve into quarks and gluons. it filled early universe In the first few microseconds after the Big Bang. Scientists use collisions of heavy ions (electrically charged particles) to generate large numbers of heavy charms and bottom quarks. These quarks are excellent probes of QGP formation. In particular, the recombination of freely rotating charms and bottom quarks facilitates the production of BC Particles made up of equal numbers of meson-quarks and antiquark-When QGP goes bad.
A QGP formed in high-energy heavy-ion collisions lasts only a short time before disintegrating into thousands of particles that can be observed detectors, These detectors track signatures – signals produced by specific types of particles. Discovering and studying QGP formation in heavy-ion experiments requires signatures that are not found in other types of collisions, such as proton–proton collisions. In this study, the researchers conducted theoretical simulations of the charms and bottom quarks propagating through the QGP. They found that recombination of these quarks increases the production of BC Masons. This mechanism does not occur in proton–proton collisions and thus can serve as a clean signature of QGP formation.
Hefty Topical Collaboration researchers investigate recombination of charm and bottom quarks in BC Mesons in QGP. They have developed a transport model that simulates the kinetics of heavy-quark bound states through the extended QGP fireball formed in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Previous research has successfully used this model to describe the production of charm-anticharm and bottom-anticharm bound states, and thus can provide predictions for B.C Particles (attraction-antibottom bound states). The researchers used realistic spectra of the charms and bottom quarks, calculated from their propagation through the QGP, to evaluate their recombination processes. The results show a large increase in BC Yield in collisions of lead (Pb) nuclei relative to proton collisions. The largest impact is predicted for slow-moving BC Mesons in “head-on” collisions of Pb nuclei, where a large QGP fireball with appreciable numbers of charms and bottom quarks is formed.
Theoretical calculations agree with leading data from the CMS collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). However, the data is not yet sensitive to slow moving BC Mason; Future data will therefore provide an important test of this QGP signature.
This work was supported by the Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics through the Occasional Collaboration in Nuclear Theory on Heavy-Flavor Theory for QCD Matter (HEFTY). This research was also funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Journal Link: Physical Review C, January-2024
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