The Tokyo government announced 2025 to 4 -day work week amid the falling fertility – CNBC TV18

The Tokyo government announced 2025 to 4 -day work week amid the falling fertility – CNBC TV18

After the falling birth rate epidemic, many countries have worked to change their policies. The biggest goal of change is the weekends of the employees of the country.

The Tokyo government recently announced to start a four -day work week for its employees. According to Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koek, from April 2025, employees will be given a three -day holiday option a week.

This has come after a huge decline in the country’s fertility rate. According to Japan’s Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry reports, only 7,27,277 births were registered in 2024, which keeps the country’s fertility at a very low level.

Its purpose is to motivate Japanese couples to spend more time with each other, which in turn can encourage them to have children. He has also made a provision to allow parents of young children to trade their salary to be able to leave premature work.

Japanese’s overtime work culture is the reason for viewing the results of low birth rate in the week’s week week. Increasing work pressure often forces women to choose between family or career. Applying four-day work week will give couples a chance to focus on their family building and upbringing of their children.

Four day work week in other countries

There are many countries that follow the four -day work week plan including Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, United Kingdom and Australia and Spain on practical basis.

4 Day Week Global is a non-profit organization that conducted testing worldwide on the impact of the four-day work week in 2022, in which several companies participated. The results of the study showed improvement in mental and physical health, better work-life balance, decrease in stress or fatigue reports, and overall enlarged life satisfaction. It also recorded a decrease in work-family conflict.

Russia and falling birth rate

A similar decline in birth rate has also been seen in Russia. According to the Statistics Service Rosstat, 5,99,600 children were born in the first half of 2024 in Russia, the lowest from 1999 and 16,000 less than the same period of 2023.

The rise in mortality in Russia after the Russia-Ukraine war has raised concerns among highly placed officials.

However, Russian officials adopted a different view on the issue.

President Vladimir Putin said on the issue, “Protection of Russian people is our top national priority. Russia’s fate depends on how many of us will be there. It is a question of national importance.” He further said that Russians should use their lunch and coffee brakes to have sex.

Russia’s Health Minister Dr. Yavengeni Shastopalv also emphasized the President’s sentiments and emphasized that difficult tasks should not be interrupted by the family development.

Also read: South Korean company will give a bonus of $ 75,000 per child to fix the declining birth rate – a look at other steps

(Tagsteotransite) Tokyo 4-Divine Work Week (T) Falling Birth Rate (T) Four-Divine Work Week (T) Tokyo Government’s Policy (T) Decline in Japan Fertility (T) Employees Work Week Change (T) Work Life balance Japan (T) Overtime Culture (T) Family Development Promotion in Japan (T) Parents’ salary for early leave Business (T) International Four Day Work Week (T) Belgium Four Day Work Week (T) Netherlands Work Week Niti (T) Denmark Four Day Work Week (T) United Kingdom Four Day Work Week (T) Australia Four Day Work Week (T) Spain Four Day Work Week Testing (T) 4 Days Week Global Studies (T) Mental Health Work Week Benefits (T) Jeevan Satisfaction Four -Day Work Week (T) Russia Birth Risk (T) Decline in Russian population (T) Vladimir Putin (T) Russian Government’s response to the Russian government’s reaction low birth rate (T) Health Minister Russia Family Policy (T) Russia-Ukraine War on the birth rate