Vishwakarma Pooja 2024: Vishwakarma Puja is performed every year on the Chaturdashi date of Shukla Paksha of Bhadrapada month. This day is also known as Vishwakarma Jayanti. This year, on September 16, Lord Vishwakarma will be decorated with weapons and according to astrologer Pandit Vagishwari Prasad, Vishwakarma Puja will be performed on September 17. There is a religious belief that on the day of Vishwakarma Jayanti, one should avoid doing certain tasks along with worshiping Lord Vishwakarma. Let us know what not to do and what to do on the day of Vishwakarma Puja.
What not to do on the day of Vishwakarma Puja?
It is prohibited to use tools on the day of Vishwakarma Puja. On this day, neither use any equipment yourself nor allow others to do so.
It is believed that on the day of Vishwakarma Puja, tools should not be thrown here and there.
Do not forget to worship your instruments and tools during the worship of Lord Vishwakarma.
On the day of Vishwakarma Puja, one should avoid consuming tamasic food including meat and alcohol.
What to do on the day of Vishwakarma Puja?
On this day, one should donate to the poor, needy and Brahmins as per their capacity.
On the day of Vishwakarma Puja, worship the machines and equipment kept in the factory or shop along with the house.
Clean your office, shop or factory thoroughly on this day. Clean equipment and tools. After this sprinkle Ganga water everywhere.
On this day, do not forget to worship Shri Hari Vishnuji along with Lord Vishwakarma.
Reciting Vishnu Sahastranam on the day of Vishwakarma Puja is also considered auspicious.
Disclaimer: We do not claim that the information given in this article is completely true and accurate. Before adopting these, definitely take advice from an expert in the relevant field.