Vivo V50 design, major features and other details have surfaced online. The handset is asked to launch in India soon. It is anticipated, Vivo V40, was unveiled in India in August 2024. The V50 has also been seen recently at several certification sites. According to previous reports, there may be a rebellion version of the phone Vivo S20, which was introduced in China in November 2024. Anything ahead of the officer, a leak by a tipster has shown the alleged design, colors and features of the Vivo V50. ,
Vivo V50 design, key features (expected)
According to an x Post By Tipstter Yogesh Brar, Vivo V50 will come with a quad-servant display, such as flagship Vivo X200 Pro handset. He said that rumor smartphones are expected to be the “thinnest phone in the segment” with a 6,000mAh battery. However, the tipster did not indicate on the expected price section of the model.
In the attached image, Vivo V50 was reportedly seen in a rose red color. The design appeared similar to the Chinese version of Vivo S20. The top left corner of two camera sensors and a ring -like LED flash unit panel appears within the pill -shaped rear camera module. The volume rocker and power button are placed on the right side of the handset.
Tipster stated that the rumor Vivo V50 would be equipped with a Snapdragon 7 General 3SOC and a 50-megapixel front camera sensor for selfie and video calls. These features are similar to the Vivo S20 handset. However, instead of a 6,000mAh battery for Vivo V50, the Chinese Vivo S20 model has a 6,500mAh battery with 80W fast charging support.
An earlier report claimed that Vivo V50 could be launched in India by the third week of February, ie by 18 February. The phone is expected to enter 8GB + 128GB, 8GB + 256GB, and 12GB + 512GB of RAM and storage configurations. , It is introduced in blue, gray, rose and red options. A Vivo V50 Pro variant is expected to be launched in the country later.