Index fund corner
Name of the scheme | 1-year back | Invest now | Fund category | expense ratio |
Axis Nifty 50 Index Fund | +32.80% | Invest now | Equity: Big Cap | 0.12% |
Axis Nifty 100 Index Fund | +38.59% | Invest now | Equity: Big Cap | 0.21% |
Axis Nifty Next 50 Index Fund | +71.83% | Invest now | Equity: Big Cap | 0.25% |
Axis Nifty 500 Index Fund | , | Invest now | Equity: Flexi Cap | 0.10% |
Axis Nifty Midcap 50 Index Fund | +46.03% | Invest now | Equity: Mid Cap | 0.28% |
The primary focus of equity funds is on hand selected shares by fund managers to get the highest possible returns on their investment. The portfolio of an equity mutual funds usually consists of 40 to 50 stocks, which guarantees that the overall risk of the fund is kept minimal and it produces stable money increase in future.
Types of equity mutual funds
Investment goals vary between equity mutual funds, which affect risk and potential returns.
Types of Equity Fund:
- Small-Cap Equity Fund:
A portfolio of rising companies with large possible returns. The minimum risk of such shares should be 65 percent.
- Mid-cap equity fund:
Compared to small-cap funds, mid-cap equity funds have a portfolio of low-risky companies.
- Large-Cap Equity Fund:
These are the least risky firms portfolio. The minimum of 80 percent of your investment should be in large-cap equity.
- Big and mid-cap equity funds:
For better stability, large and mid-cap equity funds divide their assets equally between large and mid-cap shares.
- Multi-Cap Fund:
Fund management chooses assets that provide high returns and development for multi-cap funds that invest in large, middle and small AAP companies.
Equity Mutual Fund: How do they work?
An equity mutual funds mainly invest in shares, or equity securities of various companies, including the capital of several investors. An equity mutual fund allows investors to pool their money with other investors, making a large pool. Then, it takes care of the pool qualified fund managers, who have the experience of choosing and evaluating equity securities suitable for investment.
Fund managers find stocks with development capacity and generate beneficial returns by making a big deal of research and analysis. They take into account several variables including market status, industry trends, company financial health and other relevant data to make well -informed investment options.
In addition, fund managers monitor the performance of equity securities in mutual fund portfolio and adjust as required. To reduce risk and increase rewards, they can buy or sell shares by their analysis and market status.
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