A bare rebellion of the domain names and email address made makes it clear that the defendants have “copied” slavery to the registered and well-demonstrated trademarks, and the use of products affecting the impused marks Energy solutions are being done for similar services of a bench. Justice Amit Bansal said in an order on 13 February.
The court also ordered one of the institutions to suspend the domain name www.tatapowersolarroof.com. It states that other people, who were operating domain names www.tatapowersalardealership.co.in, www.tatapowersolars.com and www.tatapowersolars.org presented that they have complied with the directions of the court and the domain The names have been suspended.
Officials of Tata Power Solar Systems came to know about the activities between February 2020 and April 2024, sued on 16 May last year.
(Tagstotransite) Tata Group (T) Trademark Violation