Credit card financial emergency situations or when you are running out of cash. It has become quite convenient to take advantage of the credit card these days amid credits and rapidly growing digital lending scenario. While credit cards can be useful in a cash crunch, uncontrolled expenses can also put you in financial crisis.
Most credit card issuers are trying to offer customized cards with unique features to draw their customer base to increase. It can be attractive to have many credit cards with features such as discounts, cashbacks and reward points. However, unrestricted use of credit cards can lead to debt nets, especially when you are owned by many cards. Various reports indicate a growing credit card lapse in India in recent years, especially between millennium and young professionals.
If you are the owner of many credit cards, it can be a bit difficult to manage your finance. You need financial discipline and well -employed strategies to maximize the benefits of your credit card. Here are some suggestions to manage several credit cards without falling into the debt trap:
(Tagstotransite) Credit Card (T) Personal Finance