People born in the month of May should wear this special gemstone, luck will shine like gold, every work will be successful.

People born in the month of May should wear this special gemstone, luck will shine like gold, every work will be successful.

May 2024 Month Lucky Gemstone: In Ratna Shastra, wearing some special gems according to the month of birth is considered very auspicious. It is believed that this removes all the troubles of life. Desired success is achieved in every work. Married life remains happy and there is no problem of any kind in life. The birth stone of people born in the month of May is considered to be Emerald. It is believed that wearing this gemstone brings many positive changes in life and life is spent in comforts. But some special things should be kept in mind while wearing emerald. Let us know the rules of wearing emerald gemstone to get wealth, glory, fame and happiness and prosperity…

Rules for wearing Emerald:

It is auspicious to wear emerald in the little finger of the right hand.
You can wear it in a silver ring.
Wearing Emerald gemstone on Wednesday morning is considered auspicious.
First clean the emerald gemstone in raw cow’s milk.
Then clean with Ganga water and chant Mercury mantras.
After this wear emerald gemstone.
While wearing it, the face should be towards east or north.

Benefits of wearing emerald:

It is believed that wearing emerald strengthens the planet Mercury. Obstacles in the path of success are removed and important achievements are achieved in every area of ​​life.

It is said that by wearing Emerald, a person lives his life in comforts and never faces financial crunch.

Wearing emerald improves a person’s memory power. Pleasant results are obtained in educational work. Social status and prestige will increase.

Wearing Emerald improves a person’s decision making ability. A person takes any decision very intelligently and thoughtfully.

Disclaimer: We do not claim that the information given in this article is completely true and accurate. Before adopting these, definitely take advice from an expert in the relevant field.