Power Engineers Body called for nationwide strike on 26 June against privatization

Power Engineers Body called for nationwide strike on 26 June against privatization

The All India Power Engineers Federation on Sunday gave a call for a nationwide strike in protest against privatization in the power sector.

A statement by AipeF stated that the National Coordination Committee of Power Employees and Engineers on June 26 decided to resort to a nationwide strike in protest against the privatization of power utility and departments.

According to the statement, NCCOEEE has decided that in all the provinces of the country, large conferences will be held in all the provinces of the country in the months of April and May to make the nationwide strike a success.

NCCOEEE will organize four major rallies against the ongoing process of privatization in Uttar Pradesh.

In a proposal, the NCCOEEE Mahasabha criticized the privatization of the profit-making electricity department of Chandigarh, called it “extremely objectionable”.

The proposal states that the transmission sector is being privatized extensively in the name of tariff-based competitive bid and asset mudification.

Privatization of generation in the form of very expensive electricity in generation sector is being cursed by common consumers.

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