Quality Power IPO GMP declines before launch tomorrow

Quality Power IPO GMP declines before launch tomorrow

Quality Power IPO Gray Market Premium today: Early public offers of quality power electrical devices will open on Friday, February 14. The company is trying to raise Rs 858.7 crore from primary markets.

Prior to the launch, the Mainboard IPO attracted significant attention to the unrestaded market, with its gray market premium to more than 8% at the price of the points on 11 February. But the day before the IPO bid opens, the gray market premium has seen a decline for a direct day.

According to Investorgain, the quality power IPO Gmp stood at Rs 14 till 5:35 pm on 13 February. If the current GMP trends are maintained till the listing date, 439 on BSE and National Stock Exchange. However, the trends can change when IPO opens for membership.

The quality power IPO’s gray market premium was Rs 35 as much as the IPO price band announced before the IPO price band’s decline on 13 February.

Note: GMP or gray market price is not official value for stock and is based on speculation.