Women on work – Legal rights in India

Women on work – Legal rights in India

While these laws and rules provide a strong structure to protect women’s rights, their actual ability can only be felt through effective implementation and social changes. Extended maternity leave under the MB Act is a laudable step, but the introduction of parents will distribute more equally to care responsibilities and challenge traditional gender roles. Similarly, although the ER Act prescribes a legal standard for pay equity, the culture of more rigorous enforcement and transparency is required to bridge the wage difference.

The need for women directors under the Companies Act, 2013 is a positive step towards gender diversity in corporate administration. However, strict monitoring and punishment for non-transportation can ensure widely adoption.

Finally, while legal framework represents a significant progress towards gender equality, they are not without limitations. A concerted effort from large -scale policy makers, employers and society requires a concerted effort to construct on these foundations. By addressing the gap in enforcement and developing legislative landscape, India can create workplaces that not only protect women, but also empower women, promote an environment where gender equality is not only a perfect Is, rather a living reality.