Zircon Stone: Wear white Zircon to overcome financial crunch, wealth will increase

Zircon Stone: Wear white Zircon to overcome financial crunch, wealth will increase

Zircon Stone Benefits: According to Ratna Shastra, one can get rid of problems in job and business by wearing some special gems. One of these gems is White Zircon. Zircon is a semi-precious stone of diamond. Zircon is considered as beneficial as diamond gemstone. It is believed that wearing this gemstone increases wealth, happiness, prosperity and opulence. Also, this gem is less expensive than diamond. Wearing it brings happiness and peace in life and the mind remains happy. Let us know in detail the rules of wearing Jarkan gemstone and its benefits…

Rules for wearing white earrings:

White Jarkan should be worn on Friday.
This gemstone can be worn in a silver ring.
Before wearing, mix milk and Ganga water in a bowl and put the ring.
After this, after performing puja, wear the Jarkan ring.
Before wearing this gemstone, chant the Venus mantra ‘Dran Drin Draun Sa: Shukray Namah’ 108 times.

Who should wear white earrings?

You can wear this gemstone to strengthen the position of Venus in the horoscope.
This gemstone is considered very auspicious for people of Libra and Cancer zodiac signs.
You can wear Jarkan to remove obstacles in marriage.
People of Leo, Virgo and Scorpio zodiac signs should wear Jarkan only after seeing the position of Venus.
It is believed that wearing Jarkan also provides relief from money related problems.

Disclaimer: We do not claim that the information given in this article is completely true and accurate. Before adopting these, definitely take advice from an expert in the relevant field.